So, I started training for a 5K earlier this week. It's a program called Couch-to-5K, and in three prescribed workouts a week, you are supposed to be able to run a 5K in 8 weeks. I've finished 2 of the 3 workouts for week one, and even though I feel like someone took a blowtorch to both of my calves, I know if I stick with it, it will be worth it!
I've lost 16 pounds since mid-December, which is something of a minor miracle because, between Christmas and my rapist's trial, I was definitely not eating as carefully as one needs to to lose weight. But I am in a much better place emotionally now, and I've decided I need to stop letting the attack be a reason not to take care of myself.
So I was looking online tonight for races in my area that would occur roughly 8 weeks after I started training. I was hoping to find one benefitting sexual assault survivors (for obvious reasons), but there isn't one in the correct timeframe. I was a little bummed, but then I found a race benefitting organ donation. Organ donation is something I strongly believe in: Anne's (the other known victim of my attacker, the news anchor who died as a result of the injuries she incurred during her attack) parents donated her organs, and my friend Stephanie (who has Cystic Fibrosis) received the gift of new lungs just shy of a year ago. I literally cried as I read and pushed the "Register" button.
I will race for Stephanie and Anne. And for myself, because of how far I've come. ♥